- [ 11.02.2006, 11:46 a.m. ]

i am quite possibly the worst. person. ever. at posting on this thing, but that's alright. ;)

life has been plenty busy around these parts lately. as far as school is concerned, i've been off and running and so completely busily involved that it's ridiculous (and fun!). i have taken a you-name-it-i'm-on-it approach to extra curricular activities this semester (student senator, student government committee member, college council member, homecoming committee, honorary exec board...the list goes on), and i am having an absolute blast with it. i'm meeting great people and accomplishing great things and learning so much in the process. i'm busy about 95% of the time, but that's the way i like to be!

classes are pretty low-key this semester, luckily. i did begin taking arabic this semester, though. i was very nervous about it initially, but i'm really starting to enjoy it. it's truly a challenge to learn such a foreign language, but really really interesting. my arabic teacher is from iraq and is also kurdish (and absolutely hilarious, by the way) and i enjoy her so much. it's very interesting to hear her stories and she really makes learning the language easier than i expected it to be (even though it's still very hard). our class (which has about 20 people in it) is one of the fastest advancing she's ever had, which is really cool.

i've been continuing the weight loss and i'm down a total of 70 lbs. i lost 30 last year, and have continued that to losing an additional 40 this year...and i'm going to keep going. it's hard for sure but really rewarding and lately a lot of people have been noticing a lot more. in about the past month or so, i've had so many people come up to me and tell me how great i'm looking and i can't tell you how awesome that is!

i went to canada back in september to see a friend/boy/whatever, which i posted pictures of already...that was tons of fun and i wish i was still there! that's about the only break i've had from school, work and activities!

social life is booming, too...and the bars have been great since i turned 21 in april! truth be told, i haven't had as much time to hit the bars since school started, but i still get to aggieville when i can.

and...most recent news is that i am 90% sure i'm studying abroad next summer in morocco. i'm not sure if i'm going for a 4-week program or an 8-week program (the university i'll be studying at offers both), but i've settled on the fact that i really want to go abroad and i'm amazingly excited about it!

that's about it from...kansas. oh, kansas.

last - next
